Sail for or half a day, morning 9 to 1, or afternoon 1 to 5 pm. .
All boats are moored with Launch service by Port Sailing and are located in Echo Bay, New Rochelle. These boats do not have motors. You must be able to sail on and off a mooring.
No life jacket? No problem. While we recommend you get your own for your comfort, we will provide all the safety equipment you need.
To qualify to rent/charter a boat, please click book now on top of the page and include your prior sailing experience or call 914 355 5400.
Hours of operations are 9AM-5PM
April Weekends only
May Wednesday to Sunday
June Seven days a week
July Seven days a week
August Seven days a week
September Wednesday to Sunday
October Weekends only
Port Sailing will close in the event of small craft advisory or close early if all boats are in for the day.

Half Day Sails On Sonar 23
Prerequisite ASA 101 or prior experience sailing similar boats
These boats do not have motors. You must be able to sail on and off a mooring.
Sail from 9AM-1PM or 1PM-5PM with up to five people on board
Sail boundaries:
New Rochelle, Echo Bay north of Can #1 off Execution Light on LI Sound.
Half Day Rental, 4 hours
Weekday $135
Weekend & Holiday $195

Sailing School Launch
Sonar 23 ft daysailer
We are always keeping a close eye on the weather. If for safety reasons we choose to cancel, we will call you at least 2 hour prior to your sail and reschedule to a mutually agreeable date and time at no cost to you. Please note that Port Sailing makes this decision - if you opt to reschedule of your own accord, a rescheduling or cancellation fee will apply.